Monday, 26 September 2011

Shot reverse shot

is a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character (often off screen), and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing each other in opposite directions, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each other. 

A Youtube link which shows basic shot reverse shot within 'Amst 109'

180 degree rule- Tahnee:

If you move 180 degrees the characters are still standing in the right place, for example 1 character stays on the left and the other on the right no matter what angle so they do not look as though they have moved.
 In the following video you can witness the 180 degree rule being broken, you can see the shots moving and the characters look as though they have moved meaning the whole scene does not flow as the audience can tell where the shots have ended and then been edited.

Match On Action Explanation

Its an Editing technique used during action for continuity, its where the action begins and then you suddenly cut to another shot portraying the action of the subject in the first shot. also its an effective way of making action look realistic.

This is a link that shows an example of Match on Action

Media Thriller Opening Titles

Taxi Driver Opening

  • Close eye shot
  • Vivid City Lights
  • Sudden Change in music
  • Opening Credits
  • Hook people in
  • Introduce Location

Fight Club Introduction Analysis

Today we analyzed the film Fight Clubs introduction and we had to answer 4 questions about the introduction.

How are the opening titles incorporated into the thriller opening?
The opening credits were completely white and ghostly and all in capitals to give off a factor of masculinity to the text. also the text flashes up very fast and bright to capture your attention and almost make you jump. the white text is a contrast compared to the dark background.  

What Genre Elements?
Fast Music, Quick moving camera angles almost like a thrilling rollarcoaster.

What do they tell us about the Plot/Characters?
Going through his mind implying he has mental problems, fast paced music represents his heart rate.

What is the viewing Experience
Mysterious as you dont know what it is, exciting and fast, trying to tell us its going to be a loud and psychological thriller.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Iconic Thriller Directors

Iconic Thriller Directors

We did research on 3 Iconic thriller directors and these were

·      Quentin Tarentino
·      Chris Nolan
·      Alfred Hitchcock

Quentin Tarentino
First we looked at Quentin Tarentino who is famous for lots of films but his most famous are Pulp Fiction and reservoir dogs, these two films are based on Criminals and that’s what Quentins favourite sub genre is “Crime Thrillers”. But he is also famous for his radical twists to surprise the audience.

Chris Nolan
Chris Nolan born July 30th 1970 and he has done many thriller films including Inception, The Dark Knight and these are mainly “action thrillers”. He often works with his wife and brother who are in the film industry, he single hand idly rebooted the batman franchise into a modern film trilogy that was awarded 4 films awards.
Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock was a British film director born in 1899. He is famous for his techniques in psychological thrillers. He had a fascination with Skinny blonde women and they were frequently actors in his films.